curated by_Nicholas Tammens
Charim Dorotheergasse | 10.09.2022 - 08.10.2022
Opening: Friday, 09. September, 2022 18:00
Works Artists Exhibition Views Press Release
Olga Balema
Dora Budor
Guillaume Dustan
Georg Herold
Pierre Klossowski
Guy Mees
Josephine Pryde
Rosemarie Trockel
Camilla Wills
Exhibition Views
Press Release
Insolvency, my friend

This exhibition started with Pierre Klossowski’s essay “Living Currency” as a point of interest, with the premise that the body and its attendant desires act as units of exchange. It departed into a series of associations between artists and works that includes pieces by Olga Balema, Dora Budor, Georg Herold, Pierre Klossowski, Guy Mees, Josephine Pryde, Rosemarie Trockel, Camilla Wills, and a film by Guillaume Dustan. These works at once bear and disrupt material traces of economic and libidinal systems, without losing sight of the position of the artist, the work, and its spectator in relation to them. They ask us to look at what governs relations of production and reproduction, which logics are at play, and what fails to be assimilated into their systems. From here we might see what they categorise as useless, spent, as well as their erotics, their waste, their gaps, their exhaustion, their ubiquity, their omnipotence, their invisibility.